Almaco Jack

Almaco Jack

A deep-bodied amberjack; sometimes darker in coloration; front of soft dorsal and of anal fins high and elongated; body more flattened than banded rudderfish or greater amberjack; no scutes.

Where Found:

Wide-ranging in OFFSHORE waters, not a common catch; young are associated with Sargassum.


Usually less than 20 pounds.


Spawns offshore, apparently during spring, summer, and fall.

American Shad

Southwest Florida Saltwater Fish - American Shad

Color of back green or greenish blue with metallic lustre; silvery sides, white underneath 9 colors darken when fish enters fresh water to spawn); belly with scutes forming distinct keel; one or more dark spots in a row behind operculum; lower jaw with pointed tip that fits into v-shaped notch in upper jaw.

Where Found:

OFFSHORE except during late winter spawning run into east coast rivers, notably the St. Johns River.


Most catches 2 to 3 pounds; common to 5 pounds


Anadromous species, coming into fresh water to spawn; young remain in fresh water to length of 2 to 4 inches, then move out to sea; plankton feeder, but strikes small, bright spoons or flies; their roe ( as many as 30,000 in a single female ) is prized, the flesh full of fork bones.

Atlantic Sharpnose Shark

Southwest Florida Saltwater Fish - Atlantic Sharpnose Shark

Long and flattened snout; white trailing edge of pectoral; black-edged dorsal and caudal fins, especially when young; may have small whitish spots on sides; furrows in lips at the corners of the mouth; outer margin of teeth notched; second dorsal fin originates over middle of anal fin; brown to olive-gray in color with white inderside; slender body.

Where Found:

INSHORE species, even found in surf; also common in bays and estuaries; adults occur OFFSHORE.


A small species, 2 – 4 feet.


Mature adults between 2 and 2.75 feet long; 4-7 newborns range from 9 to 14 inches in length; adults feed on small fish and crustaceans.

Atlantic Croaker

Southwest Florida Saltwater Fish - Atlantic Croaker

Inferior mouth; 3 to 5 pairs of small barbels on chin; silvery-gray or bronze body with dark oblique wavy bars or lines; iridescent especially on head; preopercle strongly serrated.

Where Found:

Generally found north of Tampa Bay on the west coast, and north of Cape Canaveral on the east coast; young fish found in estuaries; older fish (2 to 3 years) inhabit deep OFFSHORE waters during the winter months and move into bays and estuaries during the spring, summer, and fall.


Usually less than 2 pounds.


During spawning becomes bronze or yellow in color; spawning apparently occurs OFFSHORE in fall; longevity 2 to 4 years.

Atlantic Spadefish

Southwest Florida Saltwater Fish - Atlantic Spadefish

Silvery with 4 to 6 black vertical bands on each side which sometimes become obscure in larger fish; deep, flattened body; separated first and second dorsal fins; concave caudal fin; anterior rays of second dorsal fin and anal fin elongated.

Where Found:

INSHORE and NEARSHORE, around natural reefs, and especially near navigation markers in 15 to 20 feet of water.


Most catches less than 2 pounds, known to reach 15 pounds.


Spawns in spring and summer; travels in large schools; small juveniles almost totally black, known to drift on their sides and mimic floating debris; feeds on crustaceans, small encrusting invertebrates, and may nibble on tentacles of jellyfish.

Banded Rudderfish

Southwest Florida Saltwater Fish - Banded Rudderfish

Fish is less than 11 inches long; has dark band from eye to first dorsal fin and six prominent bars on body; larger fish are bluish, greenish, or brown; soft dorsal base about twice the length of the anal fin; tail-lobe white tipped.

Where Found:

NEARSHORE and OFFSHORE over hard bottom, generally in shallower water than other amberjacks; young associated with weed lines or floating debris and may follow shark and other large fish.


Usually less than 10 pounds.


Adults feed on fish and shrimp; spawns OFFSHORE most of the year.

Bank Sea Bass

Southwest Florida Saltwater Fish - Bank Sea Bass

Pale olive or brassy brown in color with indistinct black blotches that form vertical barrings ( the blotch above pectoral fin darker ); wavy blue lines on head; lips purplish-blue; caudal fin tri-lobed on adults; edge of nape unscaled.

Where Found:

OFFSHORE in deep water with rocks and reefs.


Usually 0.3 pounds ( 8 inches).


Undergoes sex change, starting life as a female, changing into male after 3 or 4 spawning seasons; feeds on the bottom, taking squid, crustaceans, and small fish.

Black Grouper

Southwest Florida Saltwater Fish - Black Grouper

Olive or gray body coloration with black blotches and brassy spots; gently rounded preopercle. OFFSHORE species; adults associated with rocky bottoms. reef, and drop-off walls in water over 60 feet deep; young may occur INSHORE in shallow water.

Where Found:

OFFSHORE species; adults associated with rocky bottoms. reef, and drop-off walls in water over 60 feet deep; young may occur INSHORE in shallow water.


Common to 40 pounds, may attain weights exceeding 100 pounds. No Florida record because of identity confusion with Gag, which are mistakenly called “Black Grouper”.


Spawns between May and August; protogynous hermaphrodites, young predominantly female, transforming into males as they grow older; larger individuals generally in greater depths; feeds on fish and squid.

Black Sea Bass

Southwest Florida Saltwater Fish - Black Drum

High arched back; 10 to 14 pairs of chin barbels; gray or black colored body in adults; young have 4 to 6 vertical bars; has cobblestone-like teeth capable of crushing oysters; large scales.

Where Found:

Structure-loving fish, associated with reefs and rubble OFFSHORE; smaller specimens often found in INSHORE finger channels.


Common to 1.5 Pounds ( 13 inches ).


Spawns January through March; protogynous hermaphrodites, older females becoming breeding males; omnivorous bottom feeders, diet including small fish, crustaceans, and shellfish.

Black Drum

Southwest Florida Saltwater Fish - Black Drum

High arched back; 10 to 14 pairs of chin barbels; gray or black colored body in adults; young have 4 to 6 vertical bars; has cobblestone-like teeth capable of crushing oysters; large scales.

Where Found:

INSHORE fish common to bays and lagoons; bottom dweller often found around oyster beds; also OFFSHORE.


Common to 30 pounds.


INSHORE fish common to bays and lagoons; bottom dweller often found around oyster beds; also OFFSHORE.

Blackfin Snapper

Southwest Florida Saltwater Fish - Blackfin Snapper

Color generally red, with yellow caudal, anal, and pelvic fins; distinctive and prominent dark comma-shapped blotch at the base of the pectoral fins; which gives the fish its common name; anal fin rounded; no black spot on side underneath dorsal fin.

Where Found:

Adults OFFSHORE near cintinental shelf.


Common to 20 inches, larger individuals seeking deeper waters.


Sometimes marketed as red snapper; feeds on smaller fish.

Blue Runner

Southwest Florida Saltwater Fish - Blue Runner

Color light olive to bluish green above, silvery gray to golden below; frequently black spot on operculum; readily distinguished from Crevalle Jack by lack of dark blotch on pectoral fin; tail tips blackish.

Where Found:

Juveniles found OFFSHORE; adults NEARSHORE in schools, but sometimes ranging INSHORE as well.


Usually less than 1 pound (11 inches).


Matures by 9 to 10 inches; spawns OFFSHORE from January through August; young form schools associated with floating objects, and have been observed living inside the bell of jellyfish; adults feed on fish, shrimp, and squid.

Blue Marlin

Southwest Florida Saltwater Fish - Blue Marlin

Color cobalt blue on top shading to silvery white on bottom; upper jaw elongated in form of spear; dorsal fin and pointed at front end; pectoral fin and anal fin pointed; lateral line reticulated (interwoven like a net), difficult to see in large specimens; no dark spots on dorsal fin; body covered with imbedded scales ending in one or two sharp points.

Where Found:

OFFSHORE, a blue water fish


Largest of the Atlantic marlins, common to 11 feet, known to exceed 2,000 pounds.


All of trophy size are females; males do not exceed 300 pounds; make trans-Atlantic migration; spawning procedures unknown; feeds on squid and pelagic fish, including blackfin tuna and frigate mackerel.


Southwest Florida Saltwater Fish - BlueFish

Color blue or greenish-blue on back, sides silvery; mouth large; teeth prominent, sharp. and compressed; dorsal and anal fins nearly the same size; scales small; lateral line almost straight.

Where Found:

Young usually INSHORE spring and summer; moving OFFSHORE to join adults fall and winter; strong migration of northeast Atlantic stock to Florida east coast in winter.


Most west coast catches under 3 pounds, much larger on east coast.


Travels in large schools, following schools of baitfish; cannibalistic; all members of a given school about the same size; spawning occurs OFFSHORE in spring and summer.


Southwest Florida Saltwater Fish - BoneFish

Silvery color with bluish or greenish back; slender, round body; snout long, conical, aiming downward and overhanging lower jaw; dark streaks between scales on upper half of body and faint crossbands extending down to lateral line; extremities of dorsal and caudal fins shaded with black.

Where Found:

Primarily INSHORE fish inhabiting shallows of the Florida Keys; found in shallows often less than 1 foot deep, usually over lush grass flats, occasionally over white sand.


3 to 5 pounds.


Travels in loose schools; roots out shrimp, shellfish, crabs, and fish from the bottom; spawns offshore, eggs hatching into ribbon-like larvae that metamorphose into fish-like form at about 2 inches and move inshore.

Bonnethead Shark

Southwest Florida Saltwater Fish - BonnetHead Shark

Broadly widened head in the shape of a shovel; only slight indentation of anal fin; front of head not notched at midline; gray or grayish-brown in color.

Where Found:

INSHORE species found in bays and estuaries.


Commonly 3 to 4 feet.


Matures at about 3 feet in length and bears 6 to 12 young at one time. Feeds chiefly on crabs and other crustaceans.


Southwest Florida Saltwater Fish - Cero Mackerel

Color of black iridescent bluish green; sides silvery; yellow spots forming lines above and below a bronze stripe from pectoral fin to base of the tail; front of first dorsal is bluish black; lateral line curves gradually to base of caudal fin.

Where Found:

NEARSHORE and OFFSHORE fish occurring mainly in south Florida, especially over coral reefs and wrecks.


Common to 5 pounds.


Unlike other mackerel, does not stray far from Florida waters; spawns OFFSHORE in midsummer; feeds on small fish and squid.


Southwest Florida Saltwater Fish - Cobia

Long, slim fish with broad depressed head; lower jaw projects passed upper jaw; dark lateral stripe extends through eye to tail; first dorsal fin comprised of 7 to 9 free spines; when young, has conspicuous alternating black and white horizontal stripes.

Where Found:

Both INSHORE and OFFSHORE inhabiting inlets, bays, and among mangroves; frequently seen around buoys, pilings and wreaks.


Common to 30 pounds.


Spawns in spring and early summer; feeds on crabs, squid, and small fish.

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