Attorneys and Legal Services

In Southwest Florida

Looking for legal assistance in Southwest Florida? Look no further…
We have an up-to-date database of over 8.000+ law offices and legal services located from Everglades City to Sarasota. Use our search below to find an attorney near you.

Featured Attorneys

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Lusk, Drasites, & Tolisano, P.A.5202 Del Prado Blvd SCape Coral, FL 33990(239) 574-7442WebsiteAttorneys, Criminal Law Attorneys, Family Law Attorneys
Bruce L. Scheiner2650 Airport Rd SNaples, FL 34112(239) 597-1201WebsiteAttorneys, Wrongful Death Attorneys, Personal Injury Law Attorneys
Sean King Law13410 Parker Commons Blvd Ste 101eFort Myers, FL 33912(239) 434-5464WebsiteAttorneys, Malpractice Law Attorneys, Accident & Property Damage Attorneys
Goldstein, Buckley, Cechman, Rice & Purtz, P.A.4802 Lee BlvdLehigh Acres, FL 33971(239) 360-1299WebsiteAttorneys, Estate Planning Attorneys, Estate Planning, Probate, & Living Trusts
Pavese Law Firm4632 Vincennes BlvdCape Coral, FL 33904(239) 542-3148WebsiteAttorneys, Insurance Attorneys, Civil Litigation & Trial Law Attorneys

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Get your business noticed across Southwest Florida with our premium directory listing on Your Attorney or Legal Service will gain valuable exposure to local residents and visitors searching for services in Lee, Collier, Charlotte, and surrounding counties.

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– 36K+ visitors per month off season
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