Saltwater Fish Details
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Almaco Jack | American Shad | Atlantic Sharpnose Shark | Atlantic Croaker | Banded Rudderfish | Bank Sea Bass | Black Grouper | Black Sea Bass | Black Drum | Blackfin Snapper | Blue Runner | Blue Marlin | Bluefish | Bonefish | Bonnethead Shark | Cero | Cobia | Common Snook | Crevalle Jack | Cubera Snapper | Dog Snapper | Dolphin | Fantail Mullet | Fat Snook | Florida Pompano | Gag Grouper | Goliath Grouper | Gray Snapper | Greater Amberjack | Gulf Flounder | King Mackerel | Ladyfish | Lane Snapper | Lesser Amberjack | Longbill Spearfish | Mahogany Snapper | Mutton Snapper | Nassau Grouper | Palometa | Permit | Queen Snapper | Red Drum | Red Grouper | Red Snapper | Rock Sea Bass | Sailfish | Sand Seatrout | Sandbar Shark | Scalloped Hammerhead | Scamp | Schoolmaster | Sheepshead | Shortfin Mako | Silk Snapper | Silver Seatrout | Silver Perch | Spanish Mackerel | Spotted Seatrout | Striped (Black) Mullet | Swordfish | Swordspine Snook | Tarpon Snook | Tarpon | Vermillion Snapper | Weakfish | White Marlin | White Grunt | Yellowfin Grouper | Yellowmouth Grouper | Yellowtail Snapper
Silk Snapper
Where Found:
OFFSHORE over rocky ledges in very deep water; most common is south Florida.
Usually less than 5 pounds.
Little is known.
Silver Sea Trout
Where Found:
Most common over sand or sandy mud bottoms OFFSHORE along both the Gulf and the Atlantic coasts of Florida; migrates into bays during cold months.
Usually no more than 1/2 pound (less than 10 inches)
Smallest seatrout; spawns OFFSHORE in deep water during spring, summer, and fall; feeds on small fish and shrimp.
Silver Perch
Where Found:
INSHORE in seagrass beds, tidal creeks and rivers, and marshes.
Small, not exceeding 9 inches.
Spawning takes place in shallow, saline portions of bays and other INSHORE areas, peaking between May and September; matures by second or third year (by 6 inches); adults eat crustaceans and small fish; may live to 6 years.
Spanish Mackerel
Where Found:
INSHORE, NEARSHORE, and OFFSHORE, especially over deep grass beds and reefs; absent from north Florida waters in winter.
Average catch less than 2 pounds (20 inches).
Schooling fish that migrate northward in spring, returning to southerly waters when water temperatures drop below 70° F; spawns OFFSHORE, spring through summer; feeds on small fish and squid.
Spotted Sea Trout
Where Found:
INSHORE and /or NEARSHORE over grass, sand, and sandy mud bottoms; move into shallow waters in cold weather.
Common to 4 pounds on west coast, larger on east coast.
Matures during first or second year and spawns INSHORE from March through November, often in association with seagrass beds; lives mainly in estuaries and moves only short distances; adults feed mainly on shrimp and small fish; prefers water temperatures between 58 and 81° F, and may be killed if trapped in shallow water during cold weather; longevity 8 to 10 years.
Striped (Black) Mullet
Where Found:
Roe mullet common to 3 pounds but in aquariums known to reach 12 pounds or more.
Adults migrate OFFSHORE in large schools to spawn; juveniles migrate INSHORE at about 1 inch in size, moving far up title creeks; frequent leapers; feeds on algae, detritus, and other tiny marine forms.
Where Found:
OFFSHORE worldwide species in temperate and tropical; known to frequent depths of 400 to 500 fathoms; also has been seen basking at the surface.
Once averaged 200 pounds, but over harvest has reduced size of commercially caught swordfish to average 48 inches.
Large swordfish are all females, males seldom exceeding 200 pounds except when spawning, females believed to prefer water cooler than that favored by males; feeds on squid, octopus, and pelagic fishes of all kinds.
Swordspine Snook
Where Found:
Occurs in INSHORE estuarine habitats from south Florida as far north on the east coast as St. Lucie River.
Usually less than 1 pound ( 12 inches).
Full-grown adults are less than 12 inches long; mangrove shoreline habitats serve as nursery areas for young; rare on Florida’s west coast; prefers only slightly brackish of fresh water.
Tarpon Snook
Where Found:
INSHORE in south Florida; frequently in fresh water.
Usually less than 1 pound ( 12 inches ).
Maximum size of 16 to 18 inches; feeds on small fish and larger crustaceans; young are nurtured along mangrove shorelines; rare on Florida’s west coast.
Where Found:
Primarily INSHORE fish, although adult fish spawn OFFSHORE where the ribbon-like larval stage of the fish can be found.
Most angler catches 40 – 50 pounds.
Slow grower, matures at 7 to 13 years of age; spawning occurs between May and September; female may lay more than 12 million eggs; can tolerate wide range of salinity; juveniles commonly found in fresh water; can breathe air at the surface; feeds mainly on fish and large crustaceans.
Vermillion Snapper
Where Found:
Suspends at mid-depths over rocky reefs OFFSHORE.
Usually less than 1 pound.
Spawns April to September; females maturing at 3 to 4 years of age; grows slowly; attains a weight of 6 pounds and length of 24 inches; feeds on small, swimming crustaceans and mollusks.
Where Found:
An Atlantic coast fish, possibly found in the extreme southeastern Gulf; adults move INSHORE and north during warm months inhabiting the surf, inlet bays, channels, and estuaries; adults move OFFSHORE and south during cold months; juveniles inhabit estuaries which serve as nurseries.
2 to 3 pounds.
May mature as early as age 1; spawns in NEARSHORE or estuarine areas between April and October; schooling fish; feeds primarily on shrimp and fish.
White Marlin
Where Found:
OFFSHORE, a blue water fish.
Common to 8 feet.
Uses its bill to stun fast-moving fish, then turns to consume them; spawning procedures unknown; ranges throughout the Atlantic and Caribbean; feeds on squid and pelagic fish.
White Grunt
Where Found:
From SHORE to the outer reef edge or on OFFSHORE hard bottom to 115 feet; most abundant in water less than 80 feet deep; juveniles INSHORE.
Most catches 1.5 pounds (15 inches).
Audible grunting is produced by grinding of the pharyngeal teeth, with air bladder acting as amplifier; spawning occurs on OFFSHORE hard bottoms or reefs from May through June; feeds on crustaceans, mollusks, and small fish.
Yellowfin Grouper
Where Found:
OFFSHORE on reefs off southern portions of Florida.
Common to 20 pounds.
Undergoes sex reversal from female to male in latter part of life; specific name translates to “venomous”, alluding to the fact that this fish, perhaps more frequently than other groupers, is associated with ciguatera poisoning; feeds on fish and squid.
Yellowmouth Grouper
Where Found:
OFFSHORE over reefs and rocks; not as common as Scamp in the Gulf; range limited to southern Florida.
Common to 15 pounds
Undergoes sex reversal, young individuals female, older individuals becoming male; young fish are bi-colored, dark above white below; feeds on small fish and crustaceans.
Yellowtail Snapper
Where Found:
Juveniles INSHORE on grassbeds and back reefs; adults NEARSHORE or OFFSHORE over sandy areas near reefs.
Common to 3 pounds.
Found mainly in tropical waters; spawns in midsummer; rarely exceeds 30 inches and 5 pounds in size; feeds on small fish and invertebrates.
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